Tuesday, May 8, 2012

On a lighter note, I bought a couple of self published books today

I hopped onto Amazon and checked out the self published books this morning, and found two that looked pretty good.

The first one is  PEAR SHAPED by Mark Stubbs. It's about a guy in Australia looking for his wife's stripper friend that went missing. I read the first few pages and so far my impression is that the prose could be a bit better, but overall its pretty good and the story itself is compelling. Of course this is still too early in the game to really get a sense of the book, so we'll see what happens.

The second is WAYPOINT by K. Jared Mayer. I'm actually not quite sure what this one is about. From the description its about four different characters: an orphan boy, a con man, con man's friend, and a retired soldier. These four characters end up intertwining together as all four are on a mission to find whatever it is they're looking for in their lives. From the description its an action packed book with murder, conspiracy, corrupt government, car chases, and explosions. It sounds bad that I bought a book and don't have a good idea of what it's about, but I think this is going to be one of the best books I've read in a while. I liked the title and cover (it reminded me of the way station in Stephen King's THE GUNSLINGER) but of course these aren't things that really indicate if a book is any good or not. What got me was the writing itself. I read the sample pages and was totally hooked! There was absolutely no hesitation when I hit the purchase button, and I'm eager to read more of it even though I have a ton of work to do. I really wish it was available in paperback because I don't have a computer at the moment so I have to drive 45 minutes to use a family member's nor do I have any other electronic book reading device, and this is one of those novels I have a feeling I would end up reading until 2 in the morning even though I have to get up at six every day. Really looking forward to this one!

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