Sunday, August 5, 2012

The Spanish Demon

Creepy moment yesterday. I was working on my soon to be released novel G-157 and right in the middle of revisions my pen ran out. I opened my drawer to get another one and as soon as I closed it I hear this man's voice from inside the drawer sputter out something in Spanish that ended with the word casa. What the hell? It's a pen drawer! Why would a Spanish man's voice be coming from my pen drawer?

Now, I don't know very much Spanish so I have no idea what the first part of the sentence was, but I did understand the word casa. So of course in my mind, this mystery voice must obviously belong to some dark entity that wants me to get out of his house. It was three in the afternoon mind you, and of course one cannot get creeped out in the middle of the afternoon.

So instead of writing over the next half an hour I spent my time ripping apart my drawer trying to figure out where the voice could have possibly come from so I could ward off the creepies that were starting to wash over me. I mean, there had to be some kind of reasonable explanation for the origin of the voice. Maybe it was some old tape recorder or weird random gag gift that talks. Whatever it was, it had to be coming from something real and rational, right?

Nothing was found. In all my searching I couldn't find anything that could have possibly spoken to me in a different language. And so the case of the Spanish Demon remains unsolved...

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