Thursday, August 9, 2012

They WILL go in there...

I am so paranoid about bugs crawling in my ear when I'm sleeping. Sometimes I am completely irrational about it and will keep myself up half the night thinking that something could have gotten in there. I've never had this happen to me, but I have gone to the doctor on several occasions just to have them check and make sure nothing went in there. I know its just my hair crinkling when I'm moving around and that's why I heard a noise close to my ear, but I'm always still convinced its a bug and will wake up at two in the morning to put peroxide in there just to make sure it kills anything that may or may not have decided to wander inside.

Today I found a news story that confirms my suspicions that bugs WILL crawl in your ear and live in there for the rest of their lives if given the opportunity. I found this story on Yahoo today, and am pretty sure I won't sleep well tonight.

Here's what doctors found in a woman's ear:

Yeah, that is a freaking spider just chillin and posing for the camera.

See? They ARE out to get you...

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