Sunday, May 6, 2012

It's Finally Finished!!

I've finally finished my final revisions on my novel. It's been prettied up, edited, typed and printed for what feels like the 100th time. Sending it to a couple more readers to be sure that the kinks are all worked out and typos are caught. Then comes the final read through and the really scary part, actually sending it out into the world. So far I've gotten good reviews back from it, and hope once I publish it that anyone who reads it will enjoy it and look forward to my future novels.

This novel is about a girl who lives in a "perfect society," meaning its perfect except for the fact that no one can leave and people are "recruited" by the military any time they get a little out of hand or break the rules. I'm working on the final touches for the description with some very esteemed colleagues, and will be posting the final version next week.

I think the hardest part of writing this story was the title, which is strange because that should be the easy part. I've gone through a half a dozen different titles, none of which seemed to really fit what the story was, and ultimately I decided on G-157. It's what I'd call a literary novel with a dash of science fiction, since I kind of stink at classifying the genre of my own work. Just to give you an idea of G-157, the idea of its alternate reality falls along the lines of BRAVE NEW WORLD and 1984, although of course no one can touch the brilliance and art of Huxley and Orwell.

Anyway, I'm really looking forward to sharing my new work with everyone, and while I know some people won't like it, because you can't please everyone, I hope the majority of you enjoy it. I'm also glad in a way that its finished so I can get back to work on finishing up writing my other novel THE SLEDGEHAMMER CLUB, and going through more revisions for my other novel DECEPTIONS. But of course it completing a project there's always a lingering sense of sadness, because it signals the ending of my journy into another world, which is why it always takes me freaking forever to finish a stage of something because I don't want to really end my story.

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